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Etc etc


In the past there were many games using the four-colour deck. Some are listed below; for most I do not have rules.A[p. 62]

Chinese Pronunciation English
四色 Hokkien: sù sek Four Colour
什湖 Hokkien: cha̍p ô͘ ten points
添將 Hokkien: thiⁿ chiòng add generals?
九湖十 Hokkien: káu ô͘ cha̍p nine points ten
四色磅 Hokkien: sù sek pǒng four colour pounds (pong? like mahjong?)
三角 Hokkien: saⁿ-kak triangle
對仔 Hokkien: tùi kiáⁿ small pairs
遊排隊 Hokkien: iû pâi-tūi walk in a line?
看湖 Hokkien: khòaⁿ ô͘ watch for points
枯隊 Hokkien: ko͘ tūi dried group/line/army?
十二支 Hokkien: cha̍p jī ki 12 cards; see Chap Ji Ki Panjang
車九 Hokkien: ku kiú rook nine
四色正 Hokkien: sù sek chiàⁿ four colour straight
大符 Teochew: dua7 hu5, Hokkien: tōa hû large symbols
小符 Teochew: siê2 hu5, Hokkien: sió hû small symbols


  1. (). ⁨Gambling Games of Malaya⁩. The Caxton Press⁩: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.