醉綠 · Zuì Lǜ
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Zuì Lǜ (醉綠, ‘drunken green’) was a very old Chinese drinking game from the late Ming period that was played with five dice. At a later stage it was known as 合歡 Héhuān, ‘happy union’.A (42)

Diagrams from the instruction manual.
Rules for the game appear in the book 醉緑圖 Drunken Green Diagrams by a 張光 Zhāng Guāng, and this work is included in the 1646 edition of the 說郛 Shuōfú collection, first compiled during the Ming period (1368–1644).B This (very short) instructional text is available transcribed on WikiSource:
I am unable to translate the rules,Yet! Any assistance would be appreciated. but the scoring combinations are listed below.
The general scheme is that rolling 5-of-a-kind gives out 5 drinks, 4-of-a-kind 3 drinks, rolling a 6 means you are penalized 1 drink. However each of these outcomes has its own name, so they fill up the majority of the table. A summarized table follows the main one.
Rolling the ‘competition’ outcome means that there is some comparison done involving the ‘point’ of the roll (the sum of the two dice that are not part of the triple). However, I am not sure at the moment how this works.
Roll | Name | Translation | Outcome |
| 群英入轂 | Give out 5 glasses of wine | |
| 五星聚奎 | 5 Star Alignment | Give out 5 |
| 兩儀四像 | Give out 3 | |
| 七曜麗空 | Give out 3 | |
| 丹露聮珠 | Give out 3 | |
| 四方歸極 | Give out 3 | |
| 六化四時 | Give out 3, drink one | |
| 十道同風 | Give out 5 | |
| 八荒一體 | Give out 3 | |
| 麟閣功臣 | Give out 3 | |
| 瓊樓十二 | Give out 3 | |
| 五行八字 | Give out 3 | |
| 八柱擎天 | Give out 3, drink one | |
| 陶柳三眼 | … three eyes | Give out 5 |
| 月夜南飛 | Give out 3 | |
| 夢合巫山 | Give out 3 | |
| 落紅飛鷰 | Give out 3 | |
| 花壓玉欄 | Give out 3 | |
| 霜空鴈字 | Give out 3, drink one | |
| 丹鳳聮飛 | Give out 5 | |
| 蔡蕚向陽 | Give out 3 | |
| 雙蝶穿花 | Give out 3 | |
| 落霞飛鶩 | Give out 3 | |
| 梅飄花徑 | Give out 3 | |
| 六女踏花 | Six Girls Trampling Flowers | Give out 3, drink one |
| 江城梅落 | Give out 5 | |
| 五雲捧日 | Five Clouds Lifting the Sun | Give out 3 |
| 合璧連珠 | Give out 3 | |
| 三弄梅花 | Give out 3 | |
| 紅英綴翠 | Give out 3 | |
| 雪㸃隴梅 | Give out 3, drink one | |
| 六魔降世 | Six Demons Come to Earth | Give out 5, drink one |
| 麗日中天 | Fair Sun in the Midst of Heaven | Give out 3, drink one |
| 二雄逐鹿 | Two Men Fight for the Throne | Give out 3, drink one |
| 碧天劍氣 | Give out 3, drink one | |
| 二十八宿 | Give out 3, drink one | |
| 月值朔虛 | Give out 3, drink one | |
| Give out 2 | ||
| Give out 2, drink one | ||
| Give out one, drink one | ||
| Drink 2 | ||
| Drink one | ||
| Competition |
Here is a summarized version without the names:
Roll | Outcome |
| Give out 5 glasses of wine |
| Give out 5, drink one if any |
| Give out 3, drink one if any |
| Give out 2 |
| Give out 2, drink one |
| Give out one, drink one |
| Drink 2 |
| Drink one |
| Competition |
Li, En (). Betting on Empire: A Socio-Cultural History of Gambling in Late-Qing China. PhD thesis, Washington University: St. Louis, MO, USA.
張, 光 [Zhāng Guāng] (). 醉緑圖 [Zuì Lǜ Tú; text in Chinese]; 說郛 [Shuōfú] volume 104, series editor 陶珽 [Táo Tǐng].
Elvin, Mark (). ‘Personal Luck: Why Premodern China—Probably—Did Not Develop Probabilistic Thinking’. Pages 400–468 in Concepts of Nature: A Chinese-European Cross-Cultural Perspective, edited by Hans Ulrich Vogel and Günter Dux; Conceptual History and Chinese Linguistics volume 1. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-18751-1.