See Also

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Here is a collection of other sites about games.

Aside from the others that are already cited in the Bibliography, these sites are worth visiting individually. I link them here also in an attempt to combat the loss of information over time; if any of these links stops working then they should still be able to be found on Internet Archive. Links to archives of now-dead sites are marked with †.

Ancient Games was a website by Eli Gurevich about games from the ancient world. It had many high-quality images not seen elsewhere.

Ancient Games is a new website by Markos Tatas with information about games from the ancient world.

Board Games by Mats Winther. A selection of games focussing on abstract board games. Many also have computer implementations using Zillions of Games.

Board and Pieces by James J. Bond, with a similar aim to Ways to Play of combining information across many sources.

David Pritchard’s Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants is now available online.

Cyningstan by Damian Gareth Walker contains excellent booklets with rules for many traditional games.

Early Collaborative Games of Fantasy and Imagination by wobbupalooza.

Historical Games by Tracy Christenson.

The Mancala World wiki is the most extensive collection of Mancala games on the internet.

One Bad World is an excellent source of information about Chinese and Chinese-derived playing cards, and is probably the most informative site on the whole internet about the game of Chee-Fa.

Parlett Games by David Parlett has much information on old card games as well as some board games.

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