A Bibliography of Traditional Games
1574 works
Addison, Stephen (). 100 Other Games to Play on a Chessboard. Peter Owen: London and Boston. ISBN: 0-7206-0617-9.
Weinberger, Eliot and Octavio Paz (). Nineteen Ways of Looking at Wang Wei. Moyer Bell: Mt. Kisco, New York. ISBN: 0-918825-14-8.
Wright, Arnold and H. A. Cartwright (eds.) (). Twentieth Century Impressions of British Malaya. Lloyd’s Greater Britan Publishing Company.
Breul, Harold (). 307 At Home and In France. Country Life Press.
Cherches, Peter (). ‘4 5 6: The Next Generation’ [archived]. On the website Word of Mouth (accessed ).
Anonymous (). ‘A Sensation at the Poona Races’. Madras Weekly Mail vol. 61 (15), : page 16. Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Greene, Graham (). A Burnt-Out Case. Heinemann: London, UK. First published in 1910.
Anonymous (). ‘A Character’. The Gentleman’s Magazine vol. 10 (3), : page 138. Edited by Sylvanus Urban [Edward Cave]. E. Cave: London.
Sheraton, Mimi (). ‘Restaurants: A Chinatown find, old-style French’. New York Times, : page 24.
Amor, M. Antunes (). ‘Macau: A Cidade Mais Pitoresca Do Nosso Dominio Ultramarino’ [text in Portuguese]. Ilustração Portuguesa (896), : pages 495–497.
Goodall, Michael (). ‘A. D. Willis — An Antipodean Cardmaker’. Journal of the International Playing-Card Society vol. 16 (2), : pages 41–43. Edited by Trevor Denning.
Schreiber, Mark (). ‘A dicey history’ [archived]. The Japan Times, .
Andrewes, George (). A Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages: Ancient and Modern. George Smeeton: Covent Garden.
Kling, Dwayne and Robert Thomas King (). A Family Affair: Harolds Club and the Smiths Remembered. University of Nevada Oral History Program: Reno, Nevada, USA. ISBN: 1-56475-388-3.
The CLI Team (). ‘A Fun Southern Chinese Game: 猜码 Cāimǎ’ [archived]. On the website Study CLI (accessed ).
Philp, J. A. (). ‘A Game of Euchre’. The Bulletin vol. 12 (673), : page 19.
Anonymous (). ‘The Chinese in Victoria—A Game of Fan Tan [Image]’. Illustrated Australian News (290), : page 85. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Anonymous (). ‘The Chinese in Victoria—A Game of Fan Tan’. Illustrated Australian News (290), : page 90. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Anonymous (). ‘A Glimpse at Waterval Prison’. The Scone Advocate, : page 5. NSW, Australia.
Anonymous (). ‘A New Game’. Illawarra Mercury vol. 63 (16), : page 12. Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.
W., J. (). ‘A Letter from a Lady, to Mr. Hoyle, partly complimentory, and party objurgatory’. The Ladies Magazine; or, the Universal Entertainer vol. 2 (9), : pages 133–4. Edited by Jasper Goodwill.
Midnight, Mary [Christopher Smart] (). ‘A Letter from Mrs. Midnight to Mr. Hoyle, partly complimentary, and partly objurgatory’. The Midwife; or, The Old Woman’s Magazine vol. 1 (5): page 193.
Walker, Gilbert (). A manifest detection of the moste vyle and detestable vse of Diceplay, and other practises lyke the same, a Myrrour very necessary for all yonge Gentilmen & others sodenly enabled by worldly abūdace, to loke in. Newly set forth for their behoufe.. London.
Anonymous (). A New Canting Dictionary. London, UK.
Anonymous (). ‘A new game from South Africa’. Uxbridge & West Drayton Gazette, : page 2. Hillingdon, London, UK.
Robinson, Michael W. and Peter Yu (). ‘A Note on Kuns: An Aboriginal Card Game from the North-West of Western Australia’. Department of Aboriginal Affairs’ Newsletter vol. 11: pages 41–49.
Yang, Lien-sheng (). ‘A Note on the So-Called TLV Mirrors and the Game Liu-Po 六博’. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies vol. 9 (3), : pages 202–206.
Graham, Stephen (). A Private in the Guards. Macmillan and Co: London, England, UK.
Anonymous (). ‘A Publican’s Reason for not permitting Card-playing in his house’. The Rambler’s Magazine vol. 2, : page 180. London.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘A Roman Game and Its Survival on Four Continents’. Classical Philology vol. 38 (2), : pages 134–7.
Macdonald–Smith, Ian (). A Scape To Bermuda.
Dacus, Joseph A. and James W. Buel (). A Tour of St. Louis. Western Publishing Company: St. Louis, MO, USA.
Campbell, Archibald (). A Voyage Round the World. Van Winkle, Wiley & Co.: New York, NY, USA.
Eskin, Blake (). ‘A World of Games’ [archived]. The Washington Post, .
Anonymous (). ‘Company News — Week’s Limited’s Accounts: A Year of Expansion’. The Press vol. 87 (26,523), : page 9. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Abbott, Robert (). Abbott’s New Card Games. Funk & Wagnalls: New York.
Palmer, Kingsley (). ‘An Aboriginal cattle station: economy of a community in the North of Western Australia’. Pages 43–59 in Small Rural Communities, edited by E. A. Young and E. K. Fisk; The Aboriginal Component in the Australian Economy volume 3. Development Studies Centre, Australian National University: Canberra, Australia. ISBN: 0-909150-79-6.
Knanishu, Joseph (). About Persia and its People. Lutheran Augustana Book Concern.
Impressão Regia (). Academia dos Jogos [text in Portuguese] volume 4. Impressão Regia: Lisboa, Portugal.
Holme, Randle (). The Academy of Armory, or, a Storehouse of Armory and Blazon volume 3. Chester, Cheshire, England.
Yate, William (). An Account of New Zealand (2nd edition). R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside: London.
Larken, P. M. (). ‘An Account of the Zande’. Sudan Notes and Records vol. 9 (1), : pages 1–55.
Hoyle, Edmond (). The Accurate Gamester’s Companion (9th edition). Thomas Osborne: London.
Gallagher, O. D. (). Action In The East. Doubleday, Doran and Company: New York.
Ward, Ned (). Adam and Eve Stript of their Furbelows: Or, the Faſhionable Virtues and Vices of both Sexes expos’d to publick View. J. Woodward and A. Bettesworth: London.
Yang, Lien-sheng (). ‘An Additional Note on the Ancient Game Liu-Po’. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies vol. 15 (1), : pages 124–139.
Herskovits, Melville J. (). ‘Adjiboto, an African Game of the Bush-Negroes of Dutch Guiana’. Man vol. 29, : pages 122–127.
Adler, Irving (). Magic House of Numbers (2nd edition). The John Day Company: New York, NY, USA. First published in 1957.
Anonymous (). ‘Chinese in Singapore: Advising Gambler’. The Hongkong Weekly Press and China Overland Trade Report vol. 69 (21), : page 437. Hongkong.
Zaslavsky, Claudia (). Africa Counts (3rd edition). Lawrence Hill Books: Chicago, IL, USA. ISBN: 978-1-55652-350-2.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘Some African Variants of “Bucca, Bucca”’ [archived]. The Classical Journal vol. 39 (5), : pages 293–296.
Lindblom, Gerhard (). The Akamba in British East Africa (2nd edition). Appelbergs Boktryckeri Aktiebolag: Uppsala, Sweden.
Albertarelli, Spartaco (). ‘1000s Ways to Play Monopoly’. Board Games Studies vol. 3: pages 117–123. Research School CNWS: Leiden, Netherlands.
Teirlinck, Isidoor and Reimond Stijns (). Aldenardiana: Novellen Uit het Zuiden van Oost-Vlaanderen [text in Dutch]. Xavier Havermans: Brussels.
Charles, Jacques (ed.) (). Dictionnaire des Jeux [text in French]; Encyclopédie Méthodique. Panckoucke: Paris.
Alfonso X (). Libro de açedrex, dados e tablas. Alfonso X: Toledo, Spain.
Gallitalo, Claudio [Nicolaas Jarichides Wieringa] (). Alle de Geestige Werken van Mr. Francois Rabelais [text in Dutch]. Jan ten Hoorn: Amsterdam.
Mann, Sylvia (). Alle Karten auf den Tisch · All Cards on the Table volume 1: ‘Text’. Jonas Verlag: Marburg, Germany. ISBN: 3-922561-98-5.
Mann, Sylvia (). Alle Karten auf den Tisch · All Cards on the Table volume 2: ‘Illustrations of the Catalogue-Numbers’. Jonas Verlag: Marburg, Germany. ISBN: 3-922561-98-5.
d’Allemagne, Henry-René (). Les Cartes à Jouer du XIVe au XXe siècle [text in French] volume 1. Librairie Hachette: Paris.
d’Allemagne, Henry-René (). Les Cartes à Jouer du XIVe au XXe siècle [text in French] volume 2. Librairie Hachette: Paris.
Philidor, François-André Danican (). Almanach des Jeux, ou Académie Portative, Contenant les Regles du Reversis, du Wisk, du Tre-Sette, du Piquet, et du Trictrac [text in French] (2nd edition). Chez Fournier: Paris.
Imbril, Blacky (). ‘Altars’ [archived]. On the website The International Bone Rollers’ Guild (accessed ).
Adams, Ken, Robert Thomas King, and Gail K. Nelson (). Always Bet on the Butcher: Warren Nelson and Casino Gaming, 1930s–1980s. University of Nevada Oral History Program: Reno, Nevada, USA.
Packard, Reynolds (). ‘American Bars in Paris Have a New Game’ [archived]. Santa Cruz Sentinel vol. 90 (137), : page 6. Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
Dick, William Brisbane (). The American Card Player. Dick & Fitzgerald: NY, USA.
Trist, Nicholas Browse (). Whist: American Leads and their History. Harper & Brothers: London, England, UK.
Brewster, Paul G. (). American Nonsinging Games. University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Pettes, George William (). American Whist Illustrated (6th edition). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.: Boston & New York, USA.
Kane, Thomas Leiper (). Amharic-English Dictionary volume 1: ‘ሀ–ነ’. Otto Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. ISBN: 3-447-02871-8.
Kane, Thomas Leiper (). Amharic-English Dictionary volume 2: ‘ኘ–ፐ’. Otto Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. ISBN: 3-447-02871-8.
Weeks, John H. (). Among Congo Cannibals. J. B. Lippincott Company: Philadelphia.
Basden, George Thomas (). Among the Ibos of Nigeria. Seeley, Service & Co.: London.
L. (). ‘Amusements In China’. The Visitor, or Monthly Instructor: pages 12–14. The Religious Tract Society: London.
Anonymous (). ‘An Interesting Narrative’. The Sun, : page 2. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Anderson, Jennifer Lea (). An Introduction to Japanese Tea Ritual. SUNY Press: Albany, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0-7914-0749-3.
Hendrick, Kaitlin (). Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Konane [archived]. Honors Thesis, Texas Christian University: Fort Worth, TX, USA.
Parker, Henry (). Ancient Ceylon. Luzac & Co.: London, UK.
Crist, Walter, Anne-Elizabeth Dunn-Vaturi, and Alex de Voogt (). Ancient Egyptians at Play. Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-4742-2119-1.
Raghavan, Raamesh Gowri (). Ancient Indian Board Games. Centre for Extra-Mural Studies, INSTUCEN Trust: Mumbai.
Walden, John and Barbara Voorhies (). ‘Ancient Maya Patolli’. Pages 197–218 in Prehistoric Games of North American Indians: Subarctic to Mesoamerica, edited by Barbara Voorhies. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City. ISBN: 978-1-60781-559-4.
Anonymous (). ‘Geschiedkundige Anecdotes Aangaande het Speelen’ [text in Dutch]. Vaderlandsche Bibliotheek van Wetenschap, Kunst en Smaak vol. 4 (2): pages 188–190. Koninklijke Bibliotheek: The Hague, The Netherlands.
Angerstein, Wolfgang (). ‘Das Säulenspiel Laska: Renaissance einer fast vergessenen Dame-Variante mit Verbindungen zum Schach’ [text in German]. Board Games Studies vol. 5: pages 79–102.
Volker, T. (). The Animal in Far Eastern Art. E. J. Brill: Leiden, Netherlands. ISBN: 90-04-04295-4.
G. Allen (). Annals of Gaming; or, the Fair Player’s Sure Guide. G. Allen: London.
Owen, Stephen (ed.) (). An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911. W. W. Norton & Company: New York & London. ISBN: 0-393-03823-8.
van der Lely – van der Steur, Arine and Anna Bianco (). Catalogus 44: Antique Games [archived]. Antiquariaat Arine van der Steur: The Hague, The Netherlands.
Bourne, Henry (). Antiquitates vulgares; or, the antiquities of the common people. Newcastle.
Ker, John Bellenden (). A Supplement to the Two Volumes of the Second Edition of the Essay on the Archæology of our Popular Phrases, Terms, and Nursery Rhymes. John King: Andover.
Davies, R. (). ‘Some Arab Games and Puzzles’. Sudan Notes and Records vol. 8: pages 137–52.
Doughty, Charles Montagu (). Travels in Arabia Deserta volume 1 (2nd edition). Philip Lee Warner: London. First published in 1888.
Ker, John Bellenden (). An Essay on the Archæology of our Popular Phrases, and Nursery Rhymes volume 1 (2nd edition). Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Co.: London.
Ker, John Bellenden (). An Essay on the Archæology of our Popular Phrases, and Nursery Rhymes volume 2 (2nd edition). Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Co.: London.
Haddon, Kathleen (). Artists In String: String Figures; their Regional Distribution and Social Significance. Methuen & Co.: London.
Ascher, Marcia (). ‘Mu Torere: An Analysis of a Maori Game’. Mathematics Magazine vol. 60 (2), : pages 90–100.
Black, Sandi (). ‘Museum Notebook: Whanganui philanthropist also an astute businessman’ [archived]. Whanganui Chronicle, .
Edwards, S. (). ‘At an English N.C.O. school’. Gisborne Times, : page 3. Gisborne, New Zealand.
Plummer, Edward Marwick (). Athletics and Games of the Ancient Greeks. Lombard & Caustic: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Schreiber, Theodor and W. C. F. Anderson (). Atlas of Classical Antiquities. Macmillan and Co.: London & New York.
Johns, C. N. (). ‘Excavations at Pilgrims’ Castle, ʿAtlit (1932–3); Stables at the South-West of the Suburb’. The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine vol. 5: pages 31–61.
Austin, Roland G. (). ‘A Roman Game-Board from Holt, Deneighshire’. Archaeologia Cambrensis vol. 93: pages 250–3.
Austin, Roland G. (). ‘Greek Board-Games’. Antiquity vol. 14 (55), : pages 257–71.
Hughes, Joan (ed.) (). Australian Words and Their Origins. Oxford University Press: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. ISBN: 0-19-553087-X.
Josling, Harold (). The Autobiography of a Military Great Coat: Being a Story of the 1st Norfolk Volunteer Active Service Company. Jarrold & Sons: London, England.
Freeland, Frank T. (). ‘An Automatic Tit-Tat-To Machine’. Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania vol. 102 (1): pages 1–9.
Martin, David Fernandes (). Autonomy and Relatedness: an ethnography of Wik people of Aurukun, Western Cape York Peninsula. PhD thesis, Australian National University: Canberra, Australia.
Bell, George I. and John D. Beasley (). ‘New problems on old solitaire boards’. Board Game Studies vol. 8, : pages 123–145. Associação Ludus: Lisboa, Portugal.
Gwee, William (). A Baba Malay Dictionary. Tuttle Publishing: Singapore. ISBN: 978-1-4629-1300-8.
Soar, Micaela (). ‘Board Games and Backgammon in Ancient Indian Sculpture’. Pages 177–231 in Ancient Board Games in Perspective, edited by Irving L. Finkel. British Museum Press: London, UK. ISBN: 978-0-7141-1153-7. British Museum Press: London, UK.
Lo, Andrew (). ‘Notes on the Early History of the Backgammon Family in China’. Pages 232–234 in Ancient Board Games in Perspective, edited by Irving L. Finkel. British Museum Press: London, UK. ISBN: 978-0-7141-1153-7. British Museum Press: London, UK.
Bakkers, J. A. (). ‘De Eilanden Bonerate en Kalao’ [text in Dutch]. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde vol. 11: pages 215–264.
Dalton, Bill (). Bali Handbook. Moon Publications: Chico, CA, USA. ISBN: 1-56691-073-0.
Tan, Chee-Beng (). ‘Reterritorialization of a Balinese Chinese Community in Quanzhou, Fujian’. Modern Asian Studies vol. 44 (3): pages 547–566.
Mitchell, William E. (). The Bamboo Fire: Field Work with the New Guinea Wape (2nd edition). Routledge: New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4128-4255-6. First published in 1987.
de Luca, John Baptistæ [Giovanni Battista de Luca] (). Theatrum Veritatis, et Justitiæ volume 7. Typographia Lucæ Laurentii: Napoli, Italy. First published in 1671.
Dundes, Alan and Carl R. Pagter (). ‘Bar Dice in the San Francisco Bay Area’. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers vol. 51: pages 1–18.
Ballantine, Serjeant (). Some Experiences of a Barrister’s Life. Henry Holt and Company: New York.
Masiea, Joshua Rawley (). The Traditional Games of Basotho Children. Master’s thesis, University of Cape Town: Cape Town, South Africa.
Tšiu, William Moruti (). Basotho oral poetry at the beginning of the 21st century. PhD thesis, University of South Africa: Pretoria, South Africa.
Speed, John (). Batt upon Batt: A Poem upon the Parts, Patience, and Pains, of Barth. Kempster, Clerk, Poet, Cutler of Holy-Rood-Parish in Southampton. Samuel Crouch: London.
Katsap, Ada and Fredrick Silverman (). ‘Games as Bedouin Heritage for All Generations’. Pages 253–271 in Ethnomathematics of Negev Bedouins’ Existence in Forms, Symbols and Geometric Patterns. Sense: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-6209-950-0.
Williamson, John (). ‘Playing the Game: From Begging to Pitching (More notes on All Fours)’. Journal of the International Playing-Card Society vol. 41 (3), : pages 201–205. Edited by Peter Endebrock.
Bell, R. C. (). Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations (revised edition). Dover Publications: New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0-486-23855-5. First published in 1960 by Oxford University Press.
Jonson, Benjamin (). The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. London.
Jonson, Benjamin (). The Works of Ben. Johnson volume 3. London.
Newberry, Percy E. (). Beni Hasan: Part II. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.: London.
Lowsley, Barzillai (). A Glossary of Berkshire Words and Phrases. English Dialect Society: London, UK.
Berry, John (). ‘Chinese Money-Suited Cards’. Journal of the International Playing-Card Society vol. 31 (5), : pages 230–236. Edited by Michael B. Cooper.
Best, Elsdon (). ‘Notes on a Peculiar Game Resembling Draughts Played by the Maori Folk of New Zealand’. Man vol. 17, : pages 14–15.
Schadd, Maarten P. D., Mark H. M. Winands, Jos W. H. M. Uiterwijk, H. Jaap van den Jerik, and Maurice H. J. Bergsma (). ‘Best Play in Fanorona Leads to Draw’. Pages 635–642 in Information Sciences 2007. World Scientific Publishing Company. World Scientific Publishing Company.
Li, En (). Betting on Empire: A Socio-Cultural History of Gambling in Late-Qing China. PhD thesis, Washington University: St. Louis, MO, USA.
Hughes, Linda A. (). ‘Beyond the Rules of the Game: Why are Rooie Rules Nice?’. Pages 188–199 in The World of Play: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of The Association of the Anthropological Study of Play, edited by Frank E. Manning. Leisure Press: West Point, NY, USA. ISBN: 0-88011-059-7. Leisure Press: West Point, NY, USA.
Anonymous (). ‘Gravures, Lithographies, Photographies: Genre’ [text in French]. Bibliographie de la France vol. 69 (17), . Ministère de l’Intérieur: Paris, France.
Animal Behavior Enterprises (). ‘Bird Brain Manual’ [archived]. Animal Behavior Enterprises.
Dana, A. T. (). Bishops Whist. Northfield, Vermont, USA.
Tcheng, Ki-tong [陳季同] (). Bits of China, translated by R. H. Sherard. Trischler and Company: London.
Powe, Edward L. (). ‘What is Umlablaba?’ [archived]. On the website BLAC Foundation (accessed ).
Baker, Oliver R. (). ‘Black Aces: Double Entendre in The Man of Mode’. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews vol. 26 (1): pages 13–16.
Abdurraqib, Hanif (). ‘A World of Black Intimacy at the Card Table’ [archived]. The New York Times, .
Mayer, L. Th. (). Een blik in het Javaansche volksleven [A glimpse into Javanese folk life] volume 2. E. J. Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Woollerton, Harry (). ‘Bluff’. Games & Puzzles (28), : page 25. Edited by David Pritchard. Edu-Games: London.
Burton, Jeffrey (). ‘Bluff English Game – with American Branches’. Journal of the International Playing-Card Society vol. 24 (3), : pages 70–78. Edited by George Beal.
Burton, Jeffrey (). ‘Bluff English Game – with American Branches: 2’. Journal of the International Playing-Card Society vol. 24 (4), : pages 102–107. Edited by George Beal.
Konstantakos, Ioannis M. (). ‘Board Games in Ancient Fiction: Egypt, Iran, Greece’. Board Game Studies vol. 16 (1), . De Gruyter Open.
Sebbane, Michael (). ‘Board Games from the Eastern Cardo’. Pages 147–164 in Jerusalem Western Wall Plaza Excavations volume 1: ‘The Roman and Byzantine Remains: Architecture and Stratigraphy’, Shlomit Weksler-Bdolhah and Alexander Onn. Israel Antiquities Authority: Jerusalem, Israel. ISBN: 978-965-406-695-2.
Hall, Mark A. (). ‘Board Games in Boat Burials: Play in the Performance of Migration and Viking Age Mortuary Practice’. European Journal of Archaeology vol. 19 (3): pages 439–455.
Lo, Andrew (). ‘An Introduction to Board Games in Late Imperial China’. Pages 125–132 in Ancient Board Games in Perspective, edited by Irving L. Finkel. British Museum Press: London, UK. ISBN: 978-0-7141-1153-7. British Museum Press: London, UK.
Bock-Raming, Andreas (). ‘The Gaming Board in Indian Chess and Related Board Games: A Terminological Investigation’. Board Games Studies vol. 2: pages 42–59.
Matthes, Benjamin Frederik (). Boegineesch–Hollandsch woordenboek [text in Dutch]. C. A. Spin & Zoon: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sabetai, Victoria and Euthymia Nikita (). ‘A Boeotian Die in Context: Gaming Pieces, Jewellery, Seals, Spindle Whorls and Bird Bowls in a Female Burial of Status’. Board Game Studies vol. 16 (1), : pages 159–195. De Gruyter Open.
Bohn, Henry G. (). Bohn’s New Hand-Book of Games. Henry F. Anners: Philadelphia, PA, USA. First published in 1850.
Pickles, Anthony J. (). ‘‘Bom Bombed Kwin’: How Two Card Games Model Kula, Moka, and Goroka’. Oceania vol. 84 (3): pages 272–288.
Golladay, Sonja Musser (). Alfonso X’s Book of Games.
Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 7 (181), : pages 461–2.
Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 8 (204), : pages 404–5.
Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 8 (208), : pages 482–3.
Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 9 (211), : pages 24–5.
Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 9 (217), : pages 142–4.
Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 7 (182), : pages 481–2.
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Marshall, Julian and H. Eardley Field (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 8 (186), : pages 42–3.
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Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 8 (197), : pages 262–4.
Marshall, Julian (). ‘Books on Gaming’. Notes and Queries (7th Series) vol. 8 (201), : pages 343–4.
Bourke, John G. (). On the border with Crook. Charles Scribner’s Sons: New York.
Borvo, Alan (). ‘Sahkku, the “Devil’s game”’. Board Games Studies vol. 4: pages 33–52.
Boutin, Michel (). ‘Les jeux de pions à la Belle Époque’ [text in French]. Board Games Studies vol. 7: pages 53–110.
Bower, Virginia and Colin Mackenzie (). ‘Keeping It in the Air: Kickball in Japan and China’. Pages 304–310 in Asian Games: The Art of Contest, edited by Colin Mackenzie and Irving Finkel. Asia Society. ISBN: 0-87848-099-4.
Bower, Virginia and Colin Mackenzie (). ‘Pitchpot: The Scholar’s Arrow-Throwing Game’. Pages 274–281 in Asian Games: The Art of Contest, edited by Colin Mackenzie and Irving Finkel. Asia Society. ISBN: 0-87848-099-4.
Bower, Virginia and Colin Mackenzie (). ‘Polo: The Emperor of Games’. Pages 282–303 in Asian Games: The Art of Contest, edited by Colin Mackenzie and Irving Finkel. Asia Society. ISBN: 0-87848-099-4.
Ignatiadou, Despina, Irini-Despina Papaikonomou, and Irini Poupaki (). ‘The Knucklebone and the Goose: Playing and Jeopardy for the Boy of Lilaia’. Board Game Studies vol. 16 (1), : pages 309–337. De Gruyter Open.
Milton Bradley Co. (). Bradley’s Game and Toy Catalogue. Milton Bradley Co.: Springfield, MA, USA.
Braun, Ingram (). ‘Die Kenntnis des Dominospiels in Europa: Archäologie, Geschichte, Bibliographie’ [text in German]. Board Game Studies vol. 10 (1), : pages 61–100. De Gruyter Open.
Wiedemann, Alfred (). ‘Das Brettspeil bei den alten Aegyptern’ [text in German]. Pages 37–61 in Actes du Dixième Congrès International Des Orientalistes volume Session de Genève, 1894. E. J. Brill: Leiden. E. J. Brill: Leiden.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘A Collection of Games from India, with some Notes on Similar Games in other Parts of the World’. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie vol. 80 (1): pages 88–102.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘Some Unusual Forms of “Hopscotch”’. Southern Folklore Quarterly vol. 9 (4), : pages 229–231.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘Some Hungarian Games’. Southern Folklore Quarterly vol. 13 (4), : pages 175–179.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘The “Kitte Aṇḍe Bōl” Game of India’. Southern Folklore Quarterly vol. 7 (3), : pages 149–152.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘Langadi, Atya-Patya, sowie einige verwandte Spiele des Fernen Ostens’ [Langadi, Atya-Patya, and some kindred games of the Far East]. Geographica Helvetica vol. 15 (1): pages 33–38.
Brewster, Paul G. (). ‘Some Games from Other Lands’. Southern Folklore Quarterly vol. 7 (2), : pages 109–117.
Brewster, Paul G. and Jelena Milojković–Djurić (). ‘A Group of Jugoslav Games’. Southern Folklore Quarterly vol. 20 (3), : pages 183–191.
Watkins, Malcolm J. (). ‘A Brief History of Backgammon and the Design of the Board’. Pages 238–241 in Ancient Board Games in Perspective, edited by Irving L. Finkel. British Museum Press: London, UK. ISBN: 978-0-7141-1153-7. British Museum Press: London, UK.
Brigham, William Tufts (). The Ancient Hawaiian house; Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History volume 2, number 3. Bishop Museum Press: Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
Drake-Brockman, Ralph E. (). British Somaliland. Hurst & Blackett: London, UK.
McCollough, Helen Craig (). Brocade by Night: “Kokin Wakashu” and the court style in Japanese classic poetry. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, USA. ISBN: 0-8047-1246-8.
Bronder, Thomas (). ‘Mittelalterliche Würfelspiele mit Einsatz und Gewinn’ [text in German]. Board Game Studies vol. 12 (1), : pages 1–27. De Gruyter Open.
Rabelais, François (). Gargantua: the most horrific life of the great Gargantua, father of Pantagruel, translated by Andrew Brown. Hersperus Press: London, England. ISBN: 1-84391-057-8.
Lomax, Alan, J. D. Elder, and Bess Lomax Hawes (). Brown Girl in the Ring: An Anthology of Song Games from the Eastern Caribbean. Pantheon Books: New York. ISBN: 0-679-40453-8.
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